5 Easiest Countries to Immigrate – Pack Your Bags Now

Foreign lands surely attract to the hearts and eyes. There are numerous reasons behind for settling abroad. Some would like to settle abroad for a prosperous career, some to adventure and others for other reasons. But the passion for immigrating to abroad certainly lives with many of us. There are undoubtedly many easiest countries to immigrate to, all you need to find them out to choose the best option for you.

Details about the Easiest Countries to Immigrate

Today we live in an era, where making a new life abroad is quite easy than ever. We have many options to select according to our requirements. These days, digital nomad visas too are quite common which offer you liberty to work from any part of the world. Digital nomads keep visiting countries to countries along with their works that they can handle using their laptops, smartphone and internet connection. You can immigrate to any country today through skilled visas, business setups, property buying or other ways.

Countries with Easy Immigration Requirements

The countries which are going to be discussed in this post are easiest countries to get citizenship.


There is no doubt in mentioning that Paraguay is among the best countries to immigrate to. For retires, the country appears to be the first choice. Expats love Paraguay due to its stable economy, low cost of living, and low taxes. Like many other developing countries, Paraguay nonetheless has its downsides such as corruption.

A land-locked country, Paraguay is often thought for an easy place to get fastest residency and citizenship. This commonly-held belief seems somewhat or to some extent true when it comes on paper, but technically to become a naturalized citizen of Paraguay there is a processing time of three years.

With Paraguayan passport, you can access Russia, European Union, the UK and Ireland. The passport of Paraguay has worth. Even you may go anywhere in South America without a visa, and you just need an ID card.

To obtain permanent residence of Paraguay, the applicant needs to open a bank account there, and make a local bank deposit of minimum $5000 (USD). Paraguay also offers investors visas, which are available at almost double the cost. The only condition is to visit Paraguay at least once every 3 years otherwise your residence papers (filed there) might be canceled.

According to the Paraguayan law, the permanent residents of Paraguay could apply for citizenship of the country within 3 years. The expats should show significant local ties before applying for citizenship of Paraguay. The local ties may include ownership of land or a company, marriage, local job, continuous fiscal residence in addition to this, they also should demonstrate their knowledge of Spanish, Paraguay’s history, politics and geography (this is also required to present if you like to get Paraguay citizenship). Paraguay’s passport currently holds 32nd position (it varies time to time – thus you should need to check the updates for present position) on the most power passports’ list.


Like Paraguay, Ecuador also is called retirement haven for the people who love to immigrate to foreign lands. There is no single doubt in saying that Ecuador is among the easiest countries to immigrate to, and this is the reason that people would like to get its citizenship. Ecuador is eye-pleasing and laced with beautiful landscape. Over 2,200 kilometers of coastline including the wildlife-rich Galápagos Islands make Paraguay the center of all eyes. Its location being at the top of South America further enriches the country with more values and worth.

Ecuador’s retirement visa is quite common in the world, and is certainly easy to obtain it provided that you meet the requirements set by the government.

To move to Ecuador on a retirement visa is not difficult rather easy. What you all need to do is prove a monthly income of US$800 (per month) coupled with a certificate from an employer, a pension authority, or other income provider. You will be eligible to apply to Ecuador permanent residency after 21 months on a temporary residence visa.

You can also apply for residency by investment that requires you to put US$27,000 into real estate or an Ecuadorian bank. Ecuador’s virtual consulate offers detailed information on all kinds of visas available. Once you complete 3 years of legal temporary/permanent residence there, you could then request a naturalization letter. Therefore, you will also be required to demonstrate ties to the country like a continuous residence or marriage.


It is easy for expats to make their homes in Panama – the most cosmopolitan city of Central America carrying tropical climate, strong safety credentials, and a low cost of living.

There are two visa programs for which you can apply. The tropical nation’s Friendly Nations Visa (launched in 2012) allows the people from 50 different countries to apply for the fast-track permanent residency. The countries include United States, Japan, most European Union countries, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. If you belong to any of these 50 countries, you will just need to make a deposit of USD$5000 in a Panamanian bank, and launch a local company there. After 5 years, you will be eligible for Panama passport. But you need to show ties with the country such as spending most of your time there in Panama.

In 1987, Pensionado Visa Scheme was launched for retirees. Anyone who has a lifetime pension income of minimum US$1000 (per month) can apply to this scheme. If you purchase a property (worth US$100,000) in Panama, this amount drops to US$750 per month. There is no need to get worried about for the age, as there are no age restrictions. Senior citizens in Panama are offered all types of discounts such as flight discounts, entertainment discounts, hotel stays and more.

If you do not know Spanish, getting a job there will be much tough. Additionally, foreigners in Panama are not allowed to do jobs in few sectors such as engineering, medicine, journalism, and accounting.


This North American country carries higher quality of life, superior healthcare system, and vibrant culture. Mexico offers variety of visas and permits to the people wanting to immigrate to Mexico. The citizens of the U.S, citizens of parts of Latin America, and citizens from Western European can visit Mexico without visa for up to 180 days. Rest of the people will have to obtain a visa for MX$332. Foreigners can work in Mexico, for this they will need to obtain a work permit. If your stay is more than 6 months, you will need to obtain temporary and permanent resident visas. These visas do not allow you to work in Mexico, you need to apply for residence visas prior to entering Mexico. Mexican government has announced points system for immigrants, but the details of the same are yet to be announced.


Laced with beautiful locales, heart-hitting medieval villages, and a narrow strip of beaches along its Adriatic coastline, Montenegro is a Balkan country in Europe with rugged mountains.  The low taxes and low business start-up costs and multicultural population increase country’s worth.

People from any part of the world can apply for a one-year residence visa. Montenegro is among the easiest countries to immigrate to on grounds of education, employment, family reunion, or medical treatment. Montenegro has also announced a new citizenship program through investment. This is the fastest route to citizenship, but seems more expensive requiring you to invest at least €350,000. Contact Ministry of Foreign Affairs for detailed information.

How to Apply for These Countries Citizenship

In order to apply, you need to contact only the official sources such as relevant embassies and consulates, they will provide you authentic information.

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