How to Get Germany Work Permit – Requirements, Visa Application and Procedure of Residence Permit

Germany is undoubtedly the best country in Europe. It drags eyes not only for education, but also for work and settlement. People turn to Germany to make and develop their careers apart from the large number of students who come to Germany to get quality education. It is an ideal place to work in, and this is the reason behind the mammoth search (often happens on the search engines) about Germany work permit. Germany has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe. You may find a variety of job opportunities, and various advantages to enhance your career over there. The latest updates on Germany work permit 2021 show how the majority of the people from the world is inclined to join the workforce over there in order to get the benefits from the satisfactory income in addition to the work-life balance the country offers.

More Details about Germany Work Permit

There is also another opportunity of Germany job seeker visa offered to the people of the world that allows them to seek a relevant job according to their education, skills and experience. Before you plan to do so, you need to be aware of Germany job seeker visa requirements. You may also apply to this visa if you think you are fit for the procedure. Coming back to the work permit of Germany, there are few lucky folks who can enter Germany freely and search for a job. The rest of the people will have to go through certain strict procedures to obtain the permit and visa. Getting a visa is not enough to start working in Germany, there are steps needed to be fulfilled to obtain an employment visa (work visa) to begin with the job you are offered in Germany.

Who Needs a Visa to Work in Germany?

If you like to work in Germany, you need to either have a work/residence permit or a work visa. Not everyone is subject to the requirements of visa, but everyone is subject to the residence/work permit. If you belong to the following country (citizens of the below mentioned countries), you are not required to have a visa to work in Germany:

  • Canada
  • Australia
  • European Union/EEA
  • Japan
  • Israel
  • New Zealand
  • Republic of Korea
  • USA
  • Switzerland

The citizens of EU/EEA, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Norway or Iceland do not require a work visa to enter Germany for employment purposes. What these people need is to register themselves once they arrive in Germany, using their passport or valid ID.

On the other hand, the citizens of Israel, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Canada, USA and New Zealand are not required to have a work visa to enter Germany, nor do they need to get a job offer before stepping into Germany. But these people are required to apply for a residence permit at the Foreigners’ Office once they arrive in Germany.

The rest of the people (who are not from the aforementioned countries) will need to apply for Germany work permit (work visa) to enter Germany and begin their work. They will also have to apply for a residence permit for work purpose once they land in Germany.

The Procedure to Get a Work Visa to Germany

If you are among those who need a work visa to enter Germany, then you need to first have a job offer or employment contract from an employer in Germany so that you are issued a work visa. Later, you need to apply for the visa at your nearest embassy of Germany or consulate with required documents to be attached with your visa application (you may ask about the required documents from your near German embassy or consulate, or you may also consult with your employer about the documents needed to apply for the visa). The required documents normally needed for Germany work visa are mentioned as under.

Required Documents for Germany Work Visa

The required documents for your work visa application include:

  • Standard documents for Germany visa application.
  • Signed contract issued from your employer in Germany.
  • Compulsory health insurance certificate (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung) issued by your employer in Germany (should be valid from the date of employment). If it is not already included in compulsory health insurance, you then need to present a separate travel health insurance (the duration should be from the arrival in Germany till the commencement of employment).

Application Procedure of Work Visa

Once you find a job or employment in Germany, it becomes your responsibility to apply for Germany work permit or work visa to Germany. Your employer has to make sure that the job offered to you cannot be done by the people of EU/EEA. Your employer will help you in arranging the required documents or guide you to make a successful visa application.

You need to make sure that you have arranged all the necessary documents prior to submitting a visa application to the embassy. You need to pay visa application fee as well, and take the confirmation with you by the time you submit your visa application.

The appointment for visa can be arranged at the nearest German embassy or consulate in your home country or at a neighboring country. There is no need to get worried about time to gather documents, as you will be provided with enough amount of time to arrange the necessary documents. You can also prepare for the interview in this time duration.

Germany Work Visa Processing Time

It all depends on the workload the embassy has. Normally the visa application processing time could be between one to three months. It is always suggested to file your visa application as early as possible to avoid problems.

Work Visa Fee

You need to pay Germany work visa cost to apply for the visa. The work visa fee to be paid at Germany embassy is €75, however it is suggested to check with your nearest embassy for the updated fee. Normally, the visa fee is not refundable in case of visa refusal. Again, you should check it with your nearest embassy or consulate.

Duration of Germany Work Visa

The duration of long-term German visa is one-year. Therefore, the residence permit duration depends on employment contract’s duration (that allows you the possibility of extension for as long as the work or employment status does not change).

How You Can Get a Residence Permit in Germany?

The people, who are outside the European Union and the European Economic Area, will be in need of getting a residence permit to work in Germany. To get access to the labor market in Germany, these people will need approval from the Federal Employment Agency (BA). You can get this grant internally from the consulate or embassy of Germany in your home country or from the local immigration authorities present in Germany. Once you get the approval, you will then be able to get a temporary residence permit for your employment or to continue with your employment over there.

Types of Residence Permits in Germany

There are various types of residence permits issued to the people depending upon applicant’s circumstances. The notables being:

  • Temporary Residence Permit for Employment Purposes
  • Permanent Residence Permit
  • EU Blue Card

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