Schengen-Style Visa for GCC Countries to Be Introduced for Tourists

Get ready now to witness a new Schengen state on the world map. Yes, it is all set to happen within the Gulf states. The reports reveal that the Gulf region has planned to introduce a new Schengen-style visa for GCC countries. The latest reports suggest that talks are going on at the ministerial level about how to launch this kind of visa in the Gulf region.

Details about Schengen-Style Visa for GCC Countries

This new Schengen-style visa is being planned by The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries for tourists. The visa is expected to give a boost to revenues and footfall for all countries in the region.

Fatima Al Sairafi, Minister of Tourism in Bahrain, while speaking during the Arabian Travel Market in Dubai at the panel discussion on ‘The Future of Travel for the GCC’ said that the discussion regarding this matter has started at the ministerial level among the nations of GCC on how to achieve a unified single visa.

The minister continued by talking that people from abroad who fly to Europe normally spend their time in different countries instead of visiting one country.

Apparent Benefits from Schengen-Style Visa for GCC Countries

The minister said that we believe its value that can bring not to each country but to all of us. During the panel discussion, Abdullah Al Saleh, undersecretary for the Ministry of Economy, shared his views saying that we all believe that the tourism sector is undoubtedly vital for the growth of our economies.

He also mentioned that GCC can benefit from both supply and demand sides by having policies, umbrella regulations, and procedures to facilitate growth.

Wait to See It Happen

Let’s now wait to see when this new Schengen-style visa for GCC countries is announced so that tourists may start benefiting from the facility to visit not one but several countries in the GCC region.

This is for sure a welcoming move that has been taken. Once this takes place, people or the tourists will begin getting benefits from it. We have been witnessing a lot of new measures being taken by the gulf countries to attract the tourists and to give boost to tourism in the gulf countries. It is undoubtedly impressive. Tourism is what brings foreign exchange in country, and at the end the country finds boost in economy.

Schengen style visa initiative is all set to bring many changes to gulf countries apart from the visa-free travel among the gulf countries like European Schengen States. Well, these kinds of moves must be taken into place in other parts of the world. There is no doubt in mentioning the fact that the countries located carry handsome amount of beauty to attract the eyes of the tourists/visitors, and this is what drags the tourists to gulf states.

With this kind of move, business opportunities too could take place which ultimately can provide more benefits to the gulf areas. Let’s now wait and see when this new opportunity takes place. Till then, get glued to the waiting seats.

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